2024年國際運動生理暨體能領域學術年會,已於昨日圓滿落幕。臺灣運動生理暨體能學會 (TSEPF) 的成立宗旨在於引用國內外先進運動生理與體適能理論,推廣運動生理與體適能相關知識,並協助解決實務問題,並期望與運動科學領域之學會,進一步合作,共謀運動科學的合作與發展。因此,推廣與傳遞運動生理與體適能知識,並與國際接軌,是為學會任務。
本次會議如往例邀請了3位國際知名學者與會,並講述與運動、營養及健康相關議題。來自英國的Prof. Thompson,講述了在體重控制上,除了營養議題之外,特別講述了運動所扮演角色的重要性。來自日本的Prof. Taguchi,則講述了吃太少時,能量不足所帶來的健康問題。來自澳洲的日本學者Prof. Nosaka,則分享了離心運動在推廣運動促進健康上的優勢。國家運動訓練中心的曾怡鈞營養師,則分享了運動員營養議題的實務應用。誠如我在會場上跟Prof. Nosaka開玩笑說的,本次研討會的專題演講內容,似乎是特別針對著體重管理而來,從運動是為了吃 (Prof. Thompson),到吃太少不好 (Prof. Taguchi),再到怎麼吃比較好 (曾怡鈞營養師),最後,到還可以怎麼動 (Prof. Nosaka)。好像就是這麼一回事的樣子?
本次會議要特別感謝幾位遠道而來的國際學者,從研究生的回饋中可知,大家都受益匪淺,而師長們的回饋則是,好似回到教室上課的光景,整理了腦中的許多知識。私底下,Prof. Nosaka也跟我提到,非常認同本次的英文口頭發表場次,他覺得對於報告者而言,是一個很好的學習機會。同時,他也提到日本運動生理學會 (Japanese Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology) 的年會中,也在積極推廣英文口頭發表的場次,甚至提到,或許有機會的話,他可以幫忙牽線,讓臺灣與日本兩方的運動生理學會,有進一步交流的可能性。因此,也期待下一任的理事長,可以考慮看看兩方交流座談的可行性。
On behalf of the Taiwan Society of Exercise Physiology and Fitness (TSEPF), I am pleased to welcome you all to ourannual meeting at this summer. This year, the 2024 TSEPF international conference will be held at National University of Kaohsiung on June 22-23, 2024. The Department of Athletic Performance and the Office of Physical Education at National University of Kaohsiung will co-organize this important event. The theme of this conference is “Exercise, Nutrition, and Healthy Life”. We are honored to have distinguished speakers from Australia, United Kingdom, Japan and Taiwan. All invited keynote speakers are internationally renowned scholars who have made outstanding contributions in the research fields of sports medicine, public health, and sports/exercise nutrition. I believe that through the exchange of keynote speeches, participants will be inspired and benefited from academic knowledge. We sincerely invite all experts and scholars to participate in this event.
In recent years, Taiwan has been committed to creating an English-friendly environment and moving towards an international society. In addition to allowing Taiwan students to overcome language barriers, more and more foreign students are studying in Taiwan. Therefore, at this year’s annual conference, we are trying to hold an oral presentation session in English for our attendees. Furthermore, Kaohsiung is a beautiful city located in the south of Taiwan. National University of Kaohsiung is adjacent to the National Sports Training Center (NSTC). The NSTC is the training center for Taiwan’s Olympic and Asian Games medals and national athletes. At this conference, we also provide attendees with the opportunity to visit NSTC. Through the combination of academic and practice, I believe it will bring you a wonderful academic feast at this summer. Finally, we look forward to meeting you all in Kaohsiung.
Sincerely yours,