2024年國際運動生理暨體能領域學術研討會 熱烈徵稿中!徵稿截止日期延長至6月7日!
Hello, everyone! The deadline for submissions has been extended to June 7th!

** 報名日期Registration Deadline:即日起至2024年06月14日 (五) 止
** 線上報名Online Registration:https://reurl.cc/09r3kx
** 投稿截止日期Submission Deadline:2024年6月7日
** 線上投稿摘要上傳網址Abstract Submission:https://reurl.cc/eL0dmx
一、 時間及地點
(一) 日期:2024年06月22-23日(星期六、日)
(二) 地點:國立高雄大學
二、 主辦單位:臺灣運動生理暨體能學會、國立高雄大學體育室暨運動競技學系
三、 參加對象:運動生理暨體能領域之國內外學者、大專院校實務工作者、學生,以及關心本議題之人士
四、 報名日期:即日起至2024年06月14日 (五) 止
五、 投稿截止日期:2024年6月7日
審查結果通知:第一階段 2024年6月7日;第二階段 2024年6月15日
六、 報名費用:(非會員本次報名者,填寫入會申請表後,可享會員價)
(一) 本會學生會員500元、(二) 一般會員1,000元、(三) 非會員學生1,500元、(四) 非會員3,000元
七、 繳費方式:匯款或ATM轉帳(玉山銀行代碼:808、帳號:0624940150293、戶名:臺灣運動生理暨體能學會)
(一) 參與者依據會員別對照繳交報名費金額 (欲參與研討會者皆須繳研討會報名費)
(二) 投稿者須另繳交論文審查費500元/一篇 (第一作者或通訊作者)
(三) 選擇以英文進行口頭發表者免收論文審查費500元/一篇 (主辦單位保有最終修改、變更發表形式之權利,如果最終主辦單位將英文口頭改以中文口頭/中文海報發表,則需補繳論文審查費 500元/一篇)
1. Date: June 22-23, 2024
Location: National University of Kaohsiung
2. Organizers: Taiwan Society of Exercise Physiology and Fitness; Department of Athletic Performance and Office of Physical Education, National University of Kaohsiung
3. Participants: Scholars and experts in the field of exercise physiology and physical fitness, practical workers and students in colleges and universities, and people who are concerned about this issue.
4. Registration period: from now until June 14, 2024
5. Submission deadline: Extend to June 7, 2024;
Abstract notifications: May 24, 2024 (1st Phase), June 7, 2024 (2nd Phase)
6. Registration fee:
(Non-members can get the membership fee by completing the membership application form.)
(1) TSEPF Student Member NT$500
(2) TSEPF Member NT$1,000
(3) Non-TSEPF Student Members $1,500
(4) Non-TSEPF Member $3,000
7. Paying at an ATM or by Transfer: E.Sun Commercial Bank (808), Account No.: 0624940150293, Account name: 臺灣運動生理暨體能學會
8. Payment Instructions:
(1) Participants should pay the registration fee according to the membership category (All participants should pay the registration fee for the conference).
(2) Presenters must pay an additional review charge of NT$500/paper (first author or corresponding author).
(3) The review charge of NT$500/paper will be waived for those who choose to present their article orally in English (The organizer reserves the right to modify or change the type of presentation. If the organizer changes the English oral presentation to a Chinese oral or Chinese poster presentation, a review fee of NT$500/paper will be charged).
Participants and/or presenters who attend the entire conference will obtain an electronic certificate of attendance and/or publication within one month after the conference.